One of the most important things you can do to help your car last a good, long time is regularly change the oil.
Motor oils, both synthetic and mineral, are available in several viscosity grades. If you have ever stood at the auto parts store scratching your head at the numbers on the containers they have to do with how well the oil will flow at varying temperatures. If you live in very cold or very hot temperatures it is particularly important to have the right viscosity oil in your engine. Using the wrong viscosity oil can lead to shorter engine life and in cold climates can make your car harder to start.
The short answer is use the motor oil recommended by your auto manufacturer and change the oil and filter at least every 5000 miles. If you drive in extreme weather conditions (very cold or very hot,) do a lot of stop and go driving or drive high performance vehicles you may want to consider switching to synthetic oil. A semi-synthetic (combination of petroleum and synthetic oils) is also available. There are varying opinions among car experts about the pros and cons of synthetic oils. Here is a summary:
Synthetic Oil Pros
Synthetic Oil Cons
Our best advice? Have your oil changed regularly and if you think you’d like to try something different talk to a qualified auto service technician who will help you make the right decision for your car.
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