Pick up, remove all the trash.
Vacuum. This is where all those attachments on your vacuum cleaner come in handy. Cars have tight nooks and crannies that are natural trash collectors. If you can not reach those spaces use a can of compressed air and start with those spaces first as you will be blowing the dirt into the rest of the car. Do not forget the seams of your car seats, armrests and door handles, floor mats (pull them out) and your dashboard. A clean, dry paint brush is useful to clean the vents.
Clean and condition the hard surfaces including the dash, glove compartment, other storage spots, doors, seatbelts and sideboards. A good all-purpose house cleaner does a great job. Spray it on a rag, and then wipe the surfaces. Try an old soft-bristled toothbrush for hard to reach spots. to If you want to use a conditioner (like Armour All) on vinyl surfaces, use the non-glossy type. Products containing silicone make surfaces slippery, create glare and create off-gasses that cloud up your windshield.
Clean upholstery. For cloth use spray upholstery cleaner. If your seats are leather use a leather soap and conditioner. All-purpose cleaner will work on vinyl seats. Avoid conditioning products with silicone. They can stain your clothes.
Carpets. A steam cleaner is perfect for thoroughly cleaning car carpets. If you do not have a steam cleaner, use a good carpet cleaner. Use this on your floor mats as well. Avoid over-wetting and let all carpets thoroughly dry out to prevent mold.
Clean all the interior windows. For streak-free results avoid the sun, spray window cleaner on a rag or paper towel, rub to clean, and shine with newspaper. Note: avoid window cleaners with ammonia if you have tinted windows as it can cause blotching on your windows.
If you want to be really thorough re-vacuum the car. All this cleaning will stir up more dirt.
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